[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

actually, the main problem I find with Maple’s case is not that it defends Maple as being very aware of the thread, but it still implies that wolves aren’t very aware of the thread, and we already discussed the fact that there’s only one remaining person who fits that description (which is why I don’t think PKR being a wolf makes sense). Maple’s post doesn’t just clear Maple; it gives enough reasoning to clear almost everyone else remaining in the game, which is… a weird and broad clear that the rest of us could all use, too, meaning that it’s useless.

Fuck it, if I’m going to be bold at any time this game it’s now rather than later.
@Aelin I’m willing to lynch Maple over Intensify.

However, if we do so and Maple flips town, then you have to agree to vote Intensify without question tomorrow. (This is subject to whether we decide on a you lynch or an Intensify lynch first. Idk which honestly)

I think Maple is town and you have been hard defending Intensify so we need to figure out a way to put down our arms here and come to a consensus. Even if I think you’re scum, for thread health, I want to sort things out.

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@WindwardAway do you think that my talks here are fair?
Idk what to do but I want everything to be good.

And I cannot see a world where 2 of Maple/Light/Intensify flip town.

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I think that’s fair, yes. You’re essentially asking the same of Light as Arctic and I did of Eli - if we vote Maple today, we vote Intensify tomorrow. I don’t see any problem with that.
I’m just slightly concerned that the night kill will be more strategic this time and not just be “goodbye confirmed JoaT”. I mean to say that there’s a chance Eli doesn’t get killed tonight and he survives as one of the deciding voters in LyLo depending on whom the scum thinks is easiest to pocket at that point.

Also are we hard deciding tomorrow’s lynch is Intensify if we flip Maple and it’s town? Or are we going to consider it tomorrow?

I’m down for either but if we’re wrong then I want to consider a world where we have a deep wolf and it’s going to absolutely break everything potentially.


I think PoE is still Intensify/Light tomorrow regardless of whether Maple flips town or scum, but if Maple flips town I’m pretty sure both of them have to be deepwolves. Arctic I just see as a less likely candidate to be a deepwolf because he’s a newer player, and I guess I’m transferring my reasoning onto him because I don’t think I’m capable of deepwolfing as a new player, either (and I’m town here). Also I literally have a 33% win rate, all town games, so I am pretty sure that means I’m a sucky player in general. I could be wrong about Arctic, but I think Light knows this, judging by how he’s put Arctic into his towncore, and I think you probably know this, too, since Arctic’s only scum game that I’m aware of was Countries FM and he was far from deepwolfing in that one.

Maple’s defense on why they’re town did basically nothing for me, and I’m not sure what it will do for Eli, so I’ll wait to place my vote until he comes back and makes a call. I think it’s interesting that Maple said to trust Eli on whomever he decides to vote out, though, and Eli’s had his eye on Maple all day. Not that I haven’t, but it’s obvious that Eli still wanted to vote Maple the last time I checked, and Maple’s fine with that and also fine with our PoE. They’re not saying our PoE is wrong; they’re saying we’re most likely going to win if we vote within it, except that you and Maple are kind of interchangeable in that if we vote one of you, we shouldn’t vote the other. Of course, I’ll read this differently if Maple flips scum, but if they flip town then we can trust their advice.

The only reason I’m asking this is that if we mislynch, then since the factional kill is mandatory, it will be 2 wolves v 3 villagers and we will fucking HAVE to reconsider everything.

I don’t want us getting complacent and losing.

Not when you didn’t give up on me and I’m trying so hard rn.
I am not going to let you down this game… and I refuse to let Maple down too.

We have history and I’m a fucking fighter.

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Or at least I have learned to be

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@PokemonKidRyan sure
But like
Don’t want to waste day

Also I have like a 2/24 or something W/L ratio so yeah…

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Alright. I’m giving you a chance here dude.
I hope you’re right on Maple. I don’t think you are but I’ve not been too confident on most things this game.

The only things I’ve thought of were Marl being awkward and Shuri being pure.

I know; we go into MyLo. I’m aware of that, and I think most other people are? (I still want Eli to pop in before we lock in today’s vote to make sure he’s considered all the possibilities, too.)

Anyway, because of the possibility of a deepwolf, that’s why I already went ahead and cased it. I did it after you suggested it, and obviously my subconscious remembered that you had mentioned it but my conscious did not lol. I didn’t find Intensify to have a scummy tone anywhere, but their counterarguments to Arctic and me seemed slightly… off? Like there was something tonally different or just… idk. I don’t really know what I’m saying about it. That’s the problem; I just don’t have a good case on them, I don’t have a good case on Light, and my case on Maple could literally be read as “must be town because too scummy” or “must be scum because too scummy” so there’s like no point in even writing any more about it.

I’m frustrated that the reads I’ve made with “evidence” have been crap and the reads I want to push now have basically no evidence.

The Bottom Line


At any rate I still think it’s highly likely regardless of Maple’s flip that we have a deepwolf in here, and I highly doubt it’s you, which leaves Intensify/Light as my PoE.

Also, Light and Intensify: it’s not that I think it’s inherently scummy of both of you to townread each other. Arctic and I townread each other and I obviously can’t say that it’s scummy without being a hypocrite. It’s specifically because if Maple flips town, one of you is being pocketed by the other, and it just strikes me as weird that it hasn’t occurred to either of you. I mentioned this earlier, and Arctic picked up on what I was saying.

Since 4 of us have made this agreement, even if 1 of us dies, then we have got 3 of us left in a 3v2 situation so all is good.

If this is a mislynch I am insisting we reevaluate things but I am not taking Light/Intensify out of my mind for PoE and I think it would be unwise for anyone to outright discount what we have considered beforehand.

I’m willing to vote Maple due to it but my heart is annoyed too. I don’t want to be pocketed here, I’d be angry at myself. But, I wanted a pleasant thread and we came to a consensus which is something I appreciate.

You guys choose when to vote Maple and I’ll hammer afterwards. We have discussion to save for Day 6 regardless of this flip.
If it’s mafia though, I know I’m going to have to fight even harder than ever before and as Maple said, I’m easy to ML as village, so I’mma have to show that their prediction was wrong.

@WindwardAway @Aelin since both of you are here and idk if anyone else is.
Is this acceptable to you guys, what I have said?

I don’t want to be too hard pushy now when I’ve fucked up by being quiet most of the game.

As if I fucked up things by being quiet… and then fuck up things by talking… then man I’m going to kick myself.

What I’m actually concerned about is if Maple flips wolf and Eli wants to push Arctic after that. But as I said, I’ll wait for Eli to confirm that he’ll at least consider Light/Intensify in the PoE even if Maple does flip scum.

Yeah, I see it as acceptable.

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@EliThePsycho get your ass in thread when you can do. We need you in on this.

see the problem here is that i won’t
i’ll only do that if he flips town

Even if Eli refuses to do it… which it seems they’re saying that they will.
We have at least 3 people in a 5 person situation agreeing to it.