[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

well, yes, I scrolled up to see the vote count, then scrolled down again to see… the vote count


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I wasn’t planning on voting till closer to EoD because I thought people might want more discussion time? or were you waiting for me to literally vote now?

Tbh I need to go to sleep and our discussion comes from the flip going into tomorrow.
So it would be more ideal for me for us to hammer now time wise.
But up to you.

I think I’m the only brit left alive, so that’s why I’m feeling like this rn tbh lol.
I’m like a zombie trudging on.

yeah arctic must’ve gone to sleep and I guess it’s 4 am for you now? I just thought maybe you’d rather hammer during your daytime and not so that you have to be awake at 4 am for the next EoD lol.

Nah, I’m fine with being up then, I just had a game night so I had to be up earlier.
Otherwise I’d have had a nap for a bit so I can be up for EoD stuff.
I don’t do mornings :stuck_out_tongue:

Which is clear from me being up right now.
And from me posting more at night time in pretty much every game

lol, relatable.

all right then, here goes. keeping on with the tradition of hammering every day after D1.

/vote Maple

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Vote Count

Vote Target Voted by Votes
Maple Intensify, Eli, WindwardAway 3/4
Intensify Arctic 1/4

Ping me if any of this is incorrect

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/Vote Maple
Boom Bye (Insert whatever you are here, I hope scum but I don’t think so, so I’m just going to say) Town!

@Maple I swear to you I will fight my fucking ass off no matter what you flip. If you flip town, we won’t lose this for you if possible. If you flip scum, I will prove to you I’m not the easy mislynch you’ve always said I am.

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Vote Count

Vote Target Voted by Votes
Maple Intensify, Eli, WindwardAway, PokemonKidRyan 4/4
Intensify Arctic 1/4

You have five minutes to ping me with errors


EoD5 Flavor

“Alright, everyone!” says Monokuma. “It’s voting time!!!”

You square your shoulders, looking him in the eye. “We’ve already decided,” you say.

“Oh?” says Monokuma, squinting at his display. “Oh, you have! It looks like the player you’ve selected as the Blackened is … Maple. And I’m pleased to announce that you are …”

“Incorrect,” says Maple quietly. “It’s okay. I don’t want any of you to fight over this … just do your best, so that the rest of you can get out of here alive!”

“Aww, isn’t that touching!” says Monokuma. “Not. You humans are so nauseating! Well, it’s time for the punishment…”

Execution of Chihiro Fujisaki, the Ultimate Programmer

99 Little Bugs in the Code

The execution chamber is strange -- not because executions are inherently strange, but because the execution chamber feels almost normal. Monokuma locks Maple in a room with transparent glass walls, as the rest of you surround him, pressing your faces up against the glass. Inside, a bright computer sits on the ground.

Maple looks at you, then back at the computer. At last, he sits down on the ground next to it and starts trying to type something – some sort of code, perhaps, a last chance of escape? But as soon as he pushes the first key, the back of the monitor swings open, and a swarm of locusts rushes out. The locusts surround Maple, then expand to fill the room; you can hardly believe it was possible for so many locusts to fit into a single machine.

When the locusts finally clear, Maple is gone, save for his green shirt and brown skirt.


Maple has been executed! He was:

Chihiro Fujisaki, Vanilla Townie

“I’m going to get stronger…and accept who I am…”
You are a Vanilla Townie. Your only weapons are your voice and your vote.

Defeat the Mafia.

Night 5 begins and will end in 24 hours, at 2021-01-03T04:25:00Z.


Ding-dong, dong-ding.

For the third time, the television screen crackles to life and you hear a now-unfortunately-familiar tune playing.

“A body has been discovered!” says Monokuma on the screen. “Please make your way to the Art Room!”

You roll over in your bed. If you just don’t leave your room, you won’t have to find out which of your friends is dead this time. Won’t have to investigate another murder. Won’t have to go through another class trial. You manage to wait for nearly five minutes before your curiosity gets the better of you, and you make your way to the Art Room.

In the Art Room, you find several of your classmates gathered around a fallen statue. You move in next to them, hoping to get a closer look, only to find the body of Mondo Owada, his torso crushed beneath the bust. His face is contorted, as though he were trying to keep himself from screaming.

As you enter the trial grounds a few hours later, Monokuma rings a large metal gong. “The rules for this class trial are a little different!” he says.

“What do you mean?” you ask. “Aren’t we already suffering enough?”

Monokuma laughs. “U-pu-pu! For this trial, once you decide who to vote, you can’t change it! Your first decision is FINAL! Now, will you make the right choice, or the dreadfully wrong one…”

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Eli has died in the night! He was:

Mondo Owada, Town Jack-of-All-Trades [B]

“I’ll make you a promise as a man!”
You are a Jack of All Trades. You have access to the following night actions. Each action may only be used once.

Jailkeeper: Roleblock a player and heal them from any attacks targeting them tonight.
Voyeur: Determine what types of actions target a player tonight.
Neighborizer: Create a neighborhood between you and your target, allowing you to speak privately at any time. This neighborhood lasts until your death.
Defeat the Mafia.

Day 6 begins and will end in 48 hours, at 2021-01-05T04:30:00Z, or earlier if a majority is reached for execution. With 5 players alive, majority is 3.

It is LyLo (eliminate-or-lose). As such, votes are locked. Your first vote is final and cannot be changed.


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All right, everyone. Obviously, don’t vote right away. I want to make sure town reaches a consensus and doesn’t split votes.

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Yep, I mean that goes without saying.
I think we’re likely voting in Light and Intensify today.
I want us to reeval though since we were wrong as I expected.

(TBH I kinda want to vote Light then Intensify because killing my first scumread and the SR that lasted me the entire game, will feel so satisfying in final 2 if we determine that’s the team)
