[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

I’m on mobile right now btw for reference.

Can’t quote stuff or do big posts I’m cleaning out my keyboard right now

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semantics aside, I want readlists and reasons from everyone.

I gotta say
I’m fucking confused
But if we had W/W/W wagons d1 and still lose I’m going to be slightly sad

My reads would be Wind as semi-confirmed town (9)
Arctic as town (7)
Light as mafia (5)
Intensify as mafia (2)

What do the numbers mean? 1-10?

Nah Wind is town.

Arc and PKR aren’t though.

The same reasoning for scumreading me and you can be applied to both of them I believe.

I’m showerposting, so no wall posts from me atm

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uh, but Arctic didn’t townread PKR until close to the end of D5. So not quite the same reasons.

No not that.

Sorry for asking you to repeat yourself but go over why you scumread me and Light as scummates. Just to make sure.

It’s my usual tier list.
10 is locktown
1 is lockscum

Fuck I know I said not to snapvote but now I’m just curious

I have NOT been saying I’ve been TR’ing you all game.
Get off it

Someone give me moral support :pensive:

Light no

Bad bad. No snap voting until I do it first

For multiple days I’ve said you are team with Int

@WindwardAway this is the main post that gives me W!pings

Take a look at it and tell me if I’m just being stupid

It’s literally a post Wind made with Arctic.
So you’re calling Wind stupid too

Or evil


  1. your post
  2. the only person I’m potentially calling stupid is myself

I had enough toxicity in me yesterday to last a long time