[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

but like, why did you unvote the first time and then vote again?

it is indeed mostly floof, that’s why I didn’t even bother with their ISO yet.

Isn’t there like 2 votes on Eevee already? Or am I hullicinating?

said a seemingly good defense
read up
it’s not a good defense

yeah, pretty sure there are at least 2 votes on Eevee but Eevee is mostly not here right now, so I don’t see the point in voting him.

Yeah exactly.

They’ve only made like 4 posts so far.

The only thing people could really accuse them of is inactivity I guess?

Who is we and when is all of a sudden?


I never said “we” in that post

And uhh wdym by “when is all of a sudden”

Confused Noises



You replied to the wrong post bruh

I said we as in idk some people who I thought was voting Eevee

And then when you voted Eevee for seemingly not reason, that’s what I meant by all of a sudden or whatever, wierd vote.

I did an informal vote count, sorry if it’s sloppy but I wanted a quick overview.

Maple - Shurian, Eevee, Intensify
Intensify - Illwei
Eevee - PKR, Maple
Arctic - min
Marl - Intensify
Wind - Derps, Marl, Arctic

Edit: forgot to take the last vote off min.

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is min still on me?

oh you know what, I think I forgot to count unvotes, I’m dumb

BEHOLD! My secret bastard ability, doublevoting!

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probably since you have intensify on two people at once

Why not say “why is maple voting eevee all of a sudden” or “why are you voting eevee all of a sudden”?

I also had Maple on two people at once and had to delete that lol.
Guess my votecount wasn’t very useful, considering it’s pretty wrong x’D