[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

anyway what the fuck is this game??

Also, can I really get a moment of apprecieation to this:



so youā€™re talking about minā€™s JoaT signalling but not questioning why Maple wanted the JoaTs to out their rolesā€¦ and then they claimed VT? like thatā€™s any help to town

screw it, they might not be scum but that was pretty anti-town imo.

/vote Maple

Good luck :slight_smile:

ftr I have my doubts about the JoaT claims as well but I donā€™t like Mapleā€™s posts here.

Like that matters.

Neither of joats can do anything useful.

you could, idk, try not to die??

Vote Count

Vote Target Voted by Votes
WindwardAway SirDerpsAlot, Marluxion, ArcticIX, Maple 4/7
Maple Intensify, WindwardAway 2/7
EliThePsycho Min, Shurian 2/7
Shurian EliThePsycho 1/7
eevee PokemonKidRyan 1/7
Intensify Illwei 1/7
No-elimination eevee 1/7
Not voting Light 1

Ping me if there are issues with the VC

13er with 2 people out of PoE isā€¦ same as mountianous 15er more or less.

If you expected anything else, you expected wrong.

At least you canā€™t bully me as your scumbuddy this game

you can bully me as a pr instead

I donā€™t know what I expected but all my expectations have gone out the window now.

huh wut
they did?

when did this occur

Hm. I donā€™t find myself minding the people on Windā€™s wagon too much, besides Maple.

Can we switch to eli gdi

I guess Iā€™m gonna tunnel Maple for forcing the JoaT claim out of you. I still see it as an anti-town move.

Iā€™ve outed his crap bad faith read and heā€™s responded with nothing but bs and literally didnā€™t defend himself from it

and also how did min know in the first place or was it by accident

Because eevee softed it to me and my dumbass doesnā€™t know how to soft and detect softs

tbh I suspected Eevee was a JoaT and didnā€™t say anything because lol, why would I out him?