[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

mood though, usually I can’t pick up on shit

Let’s be realistic, me or min will be roleblocked and other one will be killed.

Which is not a big loss, considering our abilities are indeed useless.
And it also makes scum joat pointless.


actually good point.
although if scum keeps at least one of you alive for a while, it’s going to shift suspicion onto you.

Not really

And what will they do?

Come out and CC us?

Can’t wait to motion detect maple and get roleblocked and killed guys

if you’re both town JoaTs then scum JoaT will simply claim VT.

No I wasn’t planning on doing this idk what I’m doing

which someone already did

idk what I’m doing either but at least I’m not getting roleblocked

Too soon… too soon…





Also yo I’m here.

I’m reading up on the thread right now so give me a while

in a nutshell
min joat
eevee joat

yeah, nothing left to do but yeet the wolves

im actually a joat but im not going to say which one yet


why aren’t you voting min/eevee

unless you are i forgot

oh here comes the counterclaim. You claimed VT and forced min to out which JoaT they were, and now you’re saying you’re a JoaT?

smells like scum