[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

the thing is that Eevee basically claimed the other JoaT after min outed, so min would have to have been very lucky as scum to claim the role that Eevee doesn’t have.

I don’t buy Maple’s claim and I don’t buy Maple as being town.

Told you I’d tunnel Maple, and I will continue doing it till the end of the day.

I’m not going to be able to figure out so I’m leaving until it’s resolved or whatever

really funny though haha :neutral_face: :expressionless: :neutral_face:

I like how Maple has absolutely no defense


was about to ask for anyone who was taking notes to say who claimed joat lol nvm I guess.

So Wind wend from Annoyed, Self-voting, thinking she was dead to all of a sudden up and about, prodding people, asking questions, appearing helpful? someone tell me if you didn’t see this but this feels scummy to me.

Can someone give me the rundown on Min’s case against Eli? I keep seeing them say they have one, but then like, I also don’t see one.

i think that maple is just making us WIFOM
and that’s their plan

Defend against what?

Iso me.

actually I’m still the top wagon so yes, I might still be dead. But i want to make it clear that I think Maple is scum now because I consider the conflicting JoaT claims to be actual content I can work with.


Maple is probably just town who thinks being anti town is a personality trait

vote eli, you’re not gonna get a wagon on maple

what in diddly darn tarnation

I mean


complete bullcrap
but ok

It isn’t a personality trait

its a way of life

You know what’s not complete bull crap

you being scum


They are worse than me when I messed up last time. Lmao.

Isn’t it hilarious that all the wolves are trying to yeet me?

Sometimes being a dumbass just works :cowboy: