[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

i disagree smh

i shall never forgive or forget

Ok soā€¦ I read up on the thread now and Iā€™m caught up now and I gotta sayā€¦ I still have goddamn idea what is happening

if maple is town and theyā€™re trying to make wolves WIFOM, theyā€™re doing a poor job of it because itā€™s not even convincing me and Iā€™m town.

against me, pointing at you being scum.
I mean you already have your vote on me so you donā€™t even have to OMGUS but youā€™re just not saying anything that even vaguely would convince me youā€™re actually a JoaT.

thereā€™s already a wagon on maple and Iā€™m going to camp here.

I for one would love to yeet you and Iā€™m still not a wolf. If you guys want to yeet me, go for it, but Iā€™ll flip town anyway so youā€™d be wasting your time.

thatā€™s the point
theyā€™re trying to use the turbo chaos strat

I mean yeah

I think youā€™re doing it on purpose and itā€™s working imo

There are 2 types of people:

1st deseve to be yeeted.
2nd is Varanus.

Prove me wrong.

thatā€™s the point
theyā€™re not town

I just think your 180 is strange, and feels more scummy than not. I see scum, feeling trapped, feeling dead, all of a sudden get told by their teammates that theyā€™re not dead yet, and that they just need to focus a bit more, and you do

Defend aginst what? Iā€™ve yet to see you string together anything even resembling a coherent string of words that might, in any way, indicate that Iā€™m a wolf.

Did I miss something?

So first of allā€¦

Why did Eevee soft Joat?

Why is there 3 Joat claims on day 1

Why is Wind still top wagon somehow with 3 Joat claims

Threadstate is a huge mess right now.

then just vote me for fucks sake, itā€™s the popular thing to do.

No vote eli for fucks sale

yes you missed my entire ISO on you claiming JoaT.


i cannot believe how much of a mess this is

No need to get all worked up about it, itā€™s not like itā€™s a big read I have on you

Take a deep breath

If I give you eli, will you give me wind?

lettuce omgus my entire wagon :cowboy:


We have 3 Joat claims goddamit.

We vote the likiest suspect, Maple.

Wind maple has a reason

Vote eli

@arete vc?