[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

yeah you should have

You are continuing this

Gdi arctic

itā€™s not like anyone else is doing anything anyway

Ur so mean to me

Ok so since meme phase is over. I assume we can actually be a little serious?

So errm Iā€™ll just steal an Arete thing.

What was the last FM you played and what did you learn from it I guess?

Mine was Deus Ex 4, and uhh I learned that getting distracted by Minecraft not good and that I should probably be consistent with my activity.

With that, I will proceed to not be consistent with my activity this game

Last finished ones countries fm

I learned nk can be a bit cringe in some setups

Mine was in may apparently
A champs practice game in which I was hammered while sleeping randomly as villa

same as min tbh

May or may not have led to a half a year long break

Overnight sleep schedules suck for FM with mostly US people

Huh alright interesting.

So Marl, if I were to look at the champs game you did a half a year ago, and compare to this now, would it be different? Like in terms of playstyle and tone and such?


Iā€™m like at least 5% funnier

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Does that count as playstyle


but this was a really simple yes or no question bruh

Oh I thought you were asking what would be different

I mean thatā€™s if you wanted to go into detail.

Iā€™m just asking this question cause I might take a look at the champs if Iā€™m bored and compare some things later

/vote Marl

I feel like heā€™s kinda awkward right now to be honest?

I wouldnā€™t say heā€™s very scummy, but some things off I guess. Perhaps itā€™s his tone I guess

ā€œIā€™ll look laterā€

votes you

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Well guys I wont be so active today for army reasons but I will try to see what time I have after about 14 hours later

Donā€™t go too crazy for $200 at stake for me :slight_smile:


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