[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

Oh shoot, sorry, my bad, won’t do that anymore :P. /s

Sometimes I’m the type of person to throw votes around, so I don’t have a take on that.

My problem with TWTBAW logic is that more often than not in the game I’ve played, they’re just a wolf.

So is your point here that since Eevee was attacked, scum was trying to set up for a ML on Maple? This doesn’t quite make sense to me, seeing as the theorizer was a Wolf. I’d have to go back and see if anyone else agreed with them, but not sure I follow that logic there.

I mean this whole thing goes into WIFOM territory and I just like to ignore that :).

Wind, I still don’t know your view on Maple. Can you explain? not a huge wall of text explaining why they could or couldn’t be whichever alignment, just a small sentence or two about what you think?

I mean, I assume VT wouldn’t know they were rb’ed.

So it does make you more belivable if you were, and you probably were, considering kill failed.
And if scum knew both joats correctly, kill could never fail.
So smart guess.

But like… if they roleblocked anyone else instead, that would fail.

Meh, whatever.

Wait why couldn’t Scum Joat just… rolecop someone? And kill a VT instead?

I mean Marl would essentially have set Maple up to be a mislynch, and Marl was not assuming he’d get yeeted at the end of D1 judging by how things went. But the chance of him getting yeeted was still a possibility, and he was probably lurking enough to know that. It would’ve been dumb for him to set Maple up like that as a scummate, especially considering that Eevee claimed JoaT and Maple also claimed JoaT. It just doesn’t really add up.

Ok, here goes. deep breath
I think Maple is annoying.

yeah, they’re sitting in my null bucket.

no, but I thought only investigative actions got RB feedback and any other actions did not get RB feedback. Didn’t Eli claim to jailkeep?

What the fuck

I mean… Eevee did say Eli needs to work on his claim skills… lol


What are you doing

i didn’t
i haven’t claimed my action yet

however, neighborizer would know if they were roleblcoked also
infact, jailkeep is the only action i couldn’t have done

Can jail keep be roadblocked?


oh yeah I misread this, you meant you didn’t jailkeep.

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i asked in my card

I dont actually know if the roleblocker gets feedback that they roleblocked, though.
But I take it nobody wants to claim that they’ve been neighborized and thus confirm the existence of a non-RB’d neighborizer JoaT, so that’s something to consider.

basically roleblocker will take priority over jailkeep, thus nullifying it’s effecst
and if jailkeep attempts to do it on roleblocker, and roleblocker is on jailkeep
nothing happens, because they cancel eachother out

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you know what, never mind, I think my earlier reads were right and I’m gonna ignore this. I’ve mech solved already on how to go about townclearing the JoaTs.

Good for you I guess.

so yeah, I’m gonna throw Maple back into townreads for now and look elsewhere.

@Illwei have I answered your question now?

Yep, thanks :P.
Didn’t help me think much but I’m about to go into a turbo so I’ll be back to look at things in a bit

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