[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

I wrote it somewhere in an earlier post with a whole (messy) timeline but quoting on mobile sucks ass so I’m not searching for it again lol.

What kinda response is this lmao

I still feel like a fucking ass. I was on eevee most of the time, didn’t see any claims except by Min (I didn’t expect for anyone else to claim JOAT already so I was not looking for anyone).

During EoD I just froze, a wagon was forming on me and I didn’t know what to do.

I feel like it’s kinda obvious but I’m locking Eli as town even if somehow they don’t turn out to be the JOAT because they were the one who split the tie onto Marl and saved my ass.
I owe them


He told me to.

Plus, you’re still kinda Nullish on my readlist, so I didn’t really bother objecting. Feel free to defend yourself here

We kinda did the whole theorizing thing already, btw.



I’ll defend myself if I ever think of a defense and if I actually feel in danger.

This shows my attentiveness rn.
Not the highest level.


Amazing defense. I am convinced.


That’s legit a reason to panic if you come into the thread to see you’re about to be yeeted lol. But you froze, while Marl pointed fingers instead. The difference in your responses might be due to your play styles but it still makes you look townier in comparison.

This isn’t a good defense btw. I mean I said the same thing D1 about myself, and even that was a weak ass defense.

No defense = either town or mafia goon

But there’s not much indication I’ve seen to make me feel like this is towny coming from Illwei.


What suggests this would come from Mafia Goon or Town?

it’s not supposed to be a defense, it’s supposed to be a joke :P.

as for the second part, I’m not going to be defending. there’s basically no point/good defenses anyone can say, IMO. what I can do is look through my suspicions and present a case on someone who I think is Scum. which, I plan to do eventually.

well then. that narrows it down /s


That’s great.

But you should still defend yourself if you’re town.

If you’re scum…

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Wait actually does Mafia care about their own Joat?

Cause like… they supposedly already know who Joat B is…

And they have a 50% to hit Joat A so… Mafia Joat kinda becomes useless?

Also, by what PKR said here, if he were trying to catch up I’d like to say he could’ve double checked with scumchat, but obviously the scum did not? So idk.

Cause I feel like mafia JoaT would have a defense prepared? But then again, maybe they don’t care since they already successfully roleblocked. That was probably the most important job they had.

So you’re willing to point fingers instead of clearing yourself as town, hmm. Well, I guess that’s all anyone can do at this point, so I’d like to see your readlist.

Me hedge or Illwei hedge?

I find Illwei’s lack of defense a bit questionable, don’t you?

i find it questionable too
but i find your “no defense = town or mafia goon” to be extremely hedgy
i still read u town but

Maybe I should’ve said “no defense = not a JoaT”, is that clearer? :stuck_out_tongue:

So too wolfy to be wolfy? Also I don’t think it doesn’t matter which role they are, in the end, they still give mafia +1 vote while alive so mafia shouldn’t really care too much I believe.