[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

Mantichora experienced so blend in very

So no trust
Must b scoom

Quix cfding or i report ur forun pose for bad userneme

Iā€™m already voting

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Right, I saw your vote

Start reading fucking thread.

Me not voting doesnā€™t mean I didnā€™t say anything about anyone.
Or you just literally need to get list in the face to understand what I said about people?

In b4 we CFD onto derps and derps flips scum XD

Lock scum never rescinding

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You are incorrect in your assessment lol

To be perfectly honest thereā€™s a good chance weā€™d hit scum by voting someone currently inactive

It is not outside the realm of possibility

But I feel like scum would make an effort to appear at least once before EoD, or at least one of the scum would.

Then what part didnā€™t you like about Shurianā€™s day 1?

Personally I like Shurianā€™s D1 more than their D2, lol

The wheel spinning

Explain bit further?

Eevee and arctic letā€™s not fight

You know if we scumread everyone whoā€™s complained about low motivation since the start of D2, weā€™d have exactly two scum

Low motivation and ā€œwhy do I always get yeeted earlyā€

i do need to get ā€˜list in the faceā€™ because itā€™s hard when your thoughts are dotted around everywhere without any solid conclusions

how stubborn can you be to the point where you canā€™t even do this simple task

The hundreds of words dressed up nicely that ultimately say and do little

The promise of more, but the disappointment that followed

The usual

This is the way