[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!


You literally put claimed joat, who was also attacked last night at same tier as PKR and Insanity, and putting 2 most likely town, but… not mechanicly locked above it.

Your readlist was trash.
You had literally zero awarness of what’s going on in thread.

: |


If all of us automatically assumed all JoaT claims were locktown, I think we’d actually have very poor townplay tbh. It took me a little while to clear all four of you.

It’s not you, it’s me

I’m fucking stupid

Excuse me.

I called Maple lazy for not isoing his scumreads, becouse I actually reared people’s day 1s.

If you think I am doing same thing, then you clearly didn’t understand a single thing.

Can everyone stop arguing with eevee and do something more productive?

Feeling cute might give int 7th town spot for no reason

Also I have to go over to my grandma’s at EoD so I guess I won’t be here, either.

/vote Illwei

there are multiple claims about who was healed and attacked
it’s arbritrary when you still aren’t rescinding your JOAT claim even though mafia already know who they are

at least you are actually explaining why you think it’s bad now

this doesn’t change the fact that today you still didn’t give reads on 5 people and explain anything
like this just did not happen, you can look at your own ISO

you know you can be lazy in other ways
like just not giving any reads at all like you, without ISO’ing

I’m not rescinding it becouse I’m a fucking joat.

How hard is that to understand it?
I literally knew what JOAT min is on day 1, way before Eli said anything.

That’s why I say people in this game have literally 0 game awarness.

So we have leftover custards from tart making, so I was thinking of making crepes and cooking them with berries and custard

also what
no JOAT claims are in the same tier of intensify and PKR so why did you just lie about this lol

@Arete vc?

Everyone in this game, town and scum both included, is being lazy, to be completely honest.

Yes, eevee, we get it. You being JoaT means Eli can’t be roleblocked and therefore he has to be scum, but oh by the way nobody is voting him out, meaning you’re continuing to bluff to cover for him because scum isn’t paying attention.

They’ve already figured it out now. What the fuck are you doing?

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In 1st readlist I was in same tier as intensify and PKR.
In 2nd you still put Wind above me and Maple next to me, despite being lock town in 2 different ways.

That’s how bad your readlists were.

Could you guys like stop fighting?

We’re not really getting anywhere with this and this just kinda clogs up the thread for the most part

This entire game has been clogging up the thread tbh

For braindead people:
My readlist

ELI - TOWN - Wagonomics - TL
WINDWARD - TOWN - Gut+Wagonomics - TR
EEVEE - TOWN - Yall dumb - TR
INTENSIFY - Remember, Good Content - TL
MAPLE - Aight - TL
MIN - They exist? - ???
LIGHT - Should be Alright - TL
PKR - Highly AtE - Going Down - SL
ARCTIC - Going Down - SL
ILLWEI - ??? - ???
SDA - Inactive - SL

Why did that get quoted? I have no idea, it was a mistake

When the going gets tough, foodpost :cake: