[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

Ok cool.

Now… I need to ask Shurian a couple of things… especially about their flip floppy reads…

im in a game of dota rn smh

@EliThePsycho just come forth.
Many people suspected me so I have a feeling that you likely blocked me.
If you just say it then it’s good as it will remove me from having done the kill at least.

Ignore this, thanks

Do NOT under any circumstance say your action UNLESS you have a redcheck


Why should they ignore it ffs?
I want to have some damn breathing room.
I’m sure they likely went for me as it’s a very logical move.

As jailkeep is a roleblock and heal


my PoE is unchanged, i think my clears are correct, the only difference now is that eevee is dead and the guy with the weird name flipped villager

ArcticXI, Min, Intensify, WindwardAway, EliThePsycho, Light

On the wagon, I vilalge read min, wind, eli, artic; i think Intensify is >rand v, Light is ~rand

so either way, wolves didn’t have to give a shit yesterday one way or another.


If you want breathing room, make it yourself. Otherwise, die. I don’t really care. What’s important is giving Eli the best game possible (as far as PRs go)

PKR is that a TMI I see? Why would you suspect Eli jailkept you unless you’re the mafia JoaT? That’s pretty weird.

Eli, you don’t have to answer him.

Because I know many people suspected me. :\
So it’s a very logical target.

I want Eli to answer me so I can know if I was right or not.
Just to help at least give me some safety from being connected to a kill ffs

Jails are for saving lives not blocking kills lol

It would make more sense for scum to let the JoaT do JoaT things and the goon to kill, so I disagree that it’s helpful for Eli to out his action.

They’re literally both when you’re a jailkeep

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yes, but thats not what its for lol

everyone knows that

A jailkeep won’t keep the jailkept from being a suspect unless two mafia are already dead.
which… They are not.

Eh, if I can be limited to not having done the kill then another investigation might be enough depending on what it is. I’ve not read what abilities the JOATs have.

Oh look, another person with JoaT ability unawareness


Something doesn’t add up in your statements.

Let me guess? The fact I don’t know the full abilities but knew there’s a jailkeep on one of the JOATs?
I’m pretty sure it was discussed in thread before hence why I remembered it.

All but one of the joat B abilities were discussed, actually.

Fair enough.
I wasn’t around the whole time and amongst 3000 posts it’s easy enough to miss something.
I likely should have checked the JOATs but I’ve felt no need to