[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!


You see, I would really appreciate an explanation still on how PKR went from “locktown” to “scumlean” in the span of one post…


Ideally pkr is a wolf so I’m confirmed town :crazy_face:


Well… idk what you want me to do here exactly. I don’t really recall any content before the post about bakeries or whatever, but maybe I’m just forgettful. The thing is, I probably wouldn’t think you’re scummy if you just produced more content than floof, or maybe you have, but the floof covered all of it up.

Rescue me from society

It was, I believe, within a few posts before.

You don’t have to respond because you ultimately made a worthwhile post.

I’m more saying this because I said twice I had hidden thoughts.

@Arctic I’ve done the math

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if only intensify did the math

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I also considered this, but we have way better scum candidates right now imo, so I’m pretty confident that Arctic is locktown.

I said something that made Eevee ask me if I was a scum JoaT lol. It was when I was self-voting and stirring up a drama D1, before I reconsidered my readlist and became suspicious of Marl.

that is really one of the worst defenses I’ve seen and I expected more from you.
I assumed we were voting Shurian today over you, but you’re not even making much effort besides saying your defense doesn’t matter.

Who else thinks the scum is Shurian and PKR now?


That’s because it’s not a defence.

Hmm well. I guess it’s me being forgetful or the amount of floof from you is just covering actual content.

Triggered noises


I remember back in my ToS days we’d do “game ending plans” where if a supermajority agreed we’d yeet down a list with agreed actions, usually accounting for wolf actions.

I remember once doing 6 days worth of plan in a PR heavy game.

Was really funny.

Feel like maple has a meta of doing nothing but meming the entire game

Regardless of alignment

@Maple what’s ur opinion on pkr/shurian scumteam

Ordered list? Like this?

SDA - Low Hanging Fruit or Inactive Scum

I towned PKR based on him actually vouching me. But then I remembered AtE was a very bad part of PKR and then I started thinking in circles

I’m more or less volatile who can be safely lynched for content but I dont think I should be lynched today or at all >_>

Well that’s not really helpful for town for the most part.

If that were the case I’d get policy lynched every game lol

I have a meta of being a relatively competent player who likes to enjoy theirself. But, I usually have pretty good reads and I’m very competent in endgame scenarios.

New players push me a lot because they don’t get it, but that’s okay. I’m hard to kill.

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