[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!


oh well i guess don’t run the scan if you want a hot milf

damnit I think I might’ve accidentally torrented a phone
gonna run a full sweep with my antivirus tonight because I don’t want milfs attracted by the pings
I’m off for the night, cya later


well lads

/vote shu

boom bye town


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Jesus Christ maple it’s 2:35 am for me

can’t wait for the early morning sod tommorow

Vote Count

Vote Target Voted By Votes
Shurian ArcticXI, Min, Intensify, Shurian, WindwardAway, Maple 6/6
SirDerpsAlot PokemonKidRyan, SirDerpsAlot 2/6
Maple Light 1/6

Please PM me if there is an issue with the VC

Flip coming Soon™ (whenever a host is around :upside_down_face:)

Shurian this

Sakura Ogami, Vanilla Townie

“There’s no point in standing around here. Settle your resolve and step into the future.”
You are a Vanilla Townie. Your only weapons are your voice and your vote.

Defeat the Mafia.

Monokuma opened a taco stand
It was great


Day starts 24 hours from flip or 2020-12-29T09:30:00Z. Apologies for inconveniences.

EoD3 flavor

“Alright, that’s enough!” said Monokuma. “Stop discussing, it’s time for … Voting Time!”

“But it’s the middle of the night!” you protest.

“I don’t care!” says Monokuma. “You’re going to vote! Doesn’t it just fill you with despair, having to make a decision with no time to think?”

“Mostly it fills me with annoyance,” you mutter as you pull the lever.

You watch Monokuma’s strange rotating device flip from one face to the next, until finally it settles on a white-haired, frowning girl. Monokuma starts laughing. “Well, I’m happy to announce that all of you are … INCORRECT!” he says.

Execution of Sakura Ogami, the Ultimate Martial Artist

First Strike

Monokuma places a robot that looks suspiciously similar to the one from Leon's execution in front of Shurian, with a pile of miscellaneous objects next to it.

“They say that in karate you learn how to break boards!” says Monokuma. “Well, can you break these?”

“That’s not how this works!” says Shurian. “And I don’t even do karat–”

She’s cut off by the first object, a glass ball flying directly towards her head. She manages to deflect it, but not without some shards of glass piercing her skin. The robot keeps throwing objects at her – glass balls, wooden boards, even bricks – but she manages to swat them all away. Finally, the robot throws a clay pot just to her left. When she pivots to knock it down, it tosses a cannonball towards her right side. By the time she sees the cannonball, it’s too late.


This topic was automatically opened after 3 hours.

SoD4 flavor

You’re woken up at 7 AM the next day, but this time not by the speaker system. Instead, Monokuma breaks into your room, dragging you out of your room in your pajamas. As he leads you to the gymnasium, you see him doing the same thing to other classmates of yours.

“Hey you, you’re finally awake”

“What’s happening?” you say.

“I’ve come to make an announcement!” says Monokuma. “Once again, no one died in the night!” He raises his arms in the air. “What do I have to do to get deaths to happen? Viewer ratings are plummeting!”

“You could just … let us go,” ventures one of your classmates. You draw in your breath sharply, glancing between them and Monokuma.

“No!” says Monokuma. “I can’t do that! If I can’t get despair from murders, then I’ll just have to get it from watching the rest of you kill your friends. After all, you’ve already killed two innocent people – twice as many as my killers!”

Monokuma disappears, leaving you with nothing but an uneasy feeling in your stomach.

No one has died in the night! Day 4 begins and will end in 48 hours, at 2020-12-31T09:35:00Z! With 9 players alive, majority is 5.

with the special priveledges granted unto me
/vote Maple

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you guys may be fine with openwolfing
i am not

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They’re scummy individually
they’re scummy via spew
they’ve hammered two town wagons whilst calling them town
literally what they’ve got going for them is “they claimed joat lol”

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