[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

i mean obviously there must have been some action that stopped a kill since the kill is mandatory, so they can’t just play it off as being dumb anymore

So I take it nobody investigated PKR last night? Because nobody said he’s clear.

Also, if PKR were scum, imo he wouldn’t bus because it makes more sense to let the less obvious scum live, doesn’t it? And why bus Derps if we were going after Shurian first, who flipped town? PKR wasn’t really about to get yeeted yesterday, so he could’ve let us vote out Shurian and then sacrifice himself today if that were the case, instead of pointing fingers at Derps.

Unless Derps is actually town, and then it would point to scum being PKR and probably Maple anyway.

We don’t have anything to lose yet by MLing today, but I’d like to get at least one scum out between today and tomorrow to stay on track.

he cannot allow derps to be the last scum alive because he is going to be a policy kill due to inactivity

because now we’re going to kill SDA/PKR and the one that lives will get towncred, which is exactly what you’re falling for

i don’t think you’re looking at this very objectively to assume that PKR and SDA can’t be w/w, and i’ve been saying this all game that your tone seems very off

it doesn’t really matter right now anyway

I think you’re failing to consider that the towncore is incorrect. Remember that Maple likely plays the same regardless of whether they’re scum or town.

Of course i considered that PKR could bus, but I’m not placing a vote on him till Derps is out, and I’m not placing a vote on him until both JoaTs say that they were unable to confirm him as town.

/vote wind

It does matter. The rest of you have split your votes between maple and PKR and none of you have voted Derps. Get obvscum out first.


Nice OMGUS vote there

I haven’t given reason how is it Omgus

no, you acting wolfy doesn’t matter right now because there are several people who need to die before you

Because I’m the only one who voted you

Im not a wolf anyway but you’re tunnelling PKR and it doesn’t add up in my calculations.

also why is derps obvscum

Process of elimination?

poe doesn’t equal obvscum

I literally said yesterday that if Shurian flipped town, I’d vote Derps next before PKR.

So that is what I’m doing