[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

so what’s everyone’s preferred voting order?

Preferably I’d go:
Derps > Maple > PKR > Intensify

at least at the moment

Light is good. Though activity has kinda dropped I think? Or maybe that’s because we barely got any time yesterday, but I’m confident they’re town for the most part


Pkr I switched back to derps SOB emoji

actually idk whether PKR goes before or after Intensify. I don’t have any clue whether Intensify can deepwolf.

I feel betrayed

I still personally don’t like intensify

Welp whatever I guess.

I don’t get the argument for not voting Maple still but whatever

/vote SDA

the arguement for not voting maple is no hammer

Wait hold on


That’s not hammer right?

No it isn’t

i hope not

let’s just vote Derps today, hope we hit a wolf, and if we actually don’t, we’re in trouble. If we do, we’ve just bought ourselves a lot of time (and it puts me within range of being killed because nobody would be suspicious of me if he flips scum).

Ok cool

/vote SDA

nah he has like 3 or 4 votes

Definitely 3 or 4 votes right right


Although I am fairly sure you are scum.
This is funny

that was the last VC


hypothetical question
if we’re actually wrong about Derps and he flips town, who do we go for next?


PKR or Maple I guess.