[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

Apologies for the delay. Actions are being processed now.

SoD5 flavor

As youā€™re eating breakfast the next day, you hear the familiar chime of a bell.

Ding-dong-dong-ding! The screen in the dining hall flickers on. You glance at it for a moment, long enough to verify that all it has is Monokumaā€™s face, before looking away.

ā€œA body has been discovered!ā€ says Monokuma, as you stare at your breakfast. ā€œPlease report to the swimming pool!ā€

You glance up from your meal, locking eyes with the student across the table from you. Together, you race through the first floor of Hopeā€™s Peak Academy, up the stairs, and into the pool area. Three of your classmates are already there when you arrive ā€“ the three, you assume, that triggered the body discovery announcement.

For a moment, you hesitate, glancing at one of them, who is kneeling by the side of the pool, clenching their fists, their hair taken out of its usual ribbon to conceal their face. But you canā€™t stop to comfort them. You have to know. You push past the others in the pool area, before finally making it to the edge of the pool. As you look into the pool, you realize that you barely even knew your dead friend ā€“ you didnā€™t even know their talent ā€“ and now you never will.

Min has died in the night! They were:

Kyoko Kirigiri, Town Jack-of-All-Trades [A]

ā€œNo matter what it takes, we have to uncover the truth. By any means necessaryā€¦ā€
You are a Jack of All Trades. You have access to the following night actions. Each action may only be used once.

Motion Detector: Determine if target player uses or is targeted by an action (you will not know which happened).
Forensic Investigator: Determine if target player has killed anyone this game. Will not detect kills in the night when this ability is used.
Doctor: Protect target player from attacks tonight.
Defeat the Mafia.

Day 5 begins and will end in 48 hours, at 2021-01-02T23:15:00Z. With 7 players alive, majority is 4.



/vote Maple

Thatā€™s all Iā€™ll say for now.

so anyways
weā€™ve lonched 3 willagers so far

/vote PKR

this is lockscum

I mean we got 1 scum though. Worth it?


scumteam maple + PKR it seems
inb4 neither of them are wolf

PKR dies before maple
you owe me this much

Me and Light laughing in scumchat

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help me stepscum im stuck in the scumchat

/vote Maple

Literally my votes are going in Maple -> PKR -> Wind -> Arctic
thatā€™s really the logical order
only way we lose is if itā€™s wind/arctic/intensify

Vote Count

Vote Target Voted by Votes
Maple Intensify, Light 2/4
PokemonKidRyan ArcticXI 1/4

why is PKR being given an extra 2 days
he was meant to die after shurian

actually, thereā€™s 2 scum alive

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quickhammer plz

also sod was 5:20 so i couldnā€™t say nice :frowning:

Maple was meant to die like day 1 or something, but nooo ā€œoh no he is Joat vote someone elseā€