[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

i just said not that i don’t

Wind said something about scum big braining us, and I’m assuming that isn’t possible since scum would have no reason to miss 2 nightkills intentionally. I mean that’s what I think what Wind is saying anyways…

ok good

the only issue i have with the idea that scum are pretending to be dumb is the fact that even if we did what they wanted and killed all the inactive people, it wouldn’t be enough to win them the game and it would be clear by lylo

If scum are big brain enough… this assumes that they probably missed nightkills on purpose, but then my question becomes “why”

to make us think they are stupid/not present in the thread so we kill all the people that match this description

would not be suprised if scum are big braining it

That… doesn’t make much sense???

Isn’t that kinda strict and unlikely plan? For that to work, that requires someone to go and look at the nightkills and be like “oh yeah scum missed nightkill? Must be inactive scum who aren’t paying attention.” which is unlikely unless scum are nudging that sort of idea hard into people’s minds…

i’m not sure if you’ve been paying attention but that’s exactly how it’s gone
it’s working
this is why we killed illwei, shurian and derps
though i guess derps was also policy

The first one to bring up that prospect of “inactive/distracted scum” was Wind I’m pretty sure… so unless you accuse Wind of being scum then… I don’t think that really works.

why are you implying that it’s impossible for a townie to have come to that conclusion

Uh huh… but my argument is that it’s a really dangerous and risky plan since it requires someone to go assert that idea of inactive scum first into the minds of everyone… and I don’t think scum could’ve calculated that someone here would think that unless they themselves nudge the idea first…

but the issue is we know they are big braining us, since PKR is the last person to match that profile and there’s 2 mafia

so you either think wind is mafia, or you think that the scum really are just inactive
and it can’t be the second one because we know at least 1 mafia is active

I’m not saying it’s impossible… but like it’s highly unlikely… town could come up with many different ideas, and scum betting on a single townie coming with that specific idea, and that townie advancing and trying to spread that ideas onto others without giving up or being disproven is highly unlikely unless they’re like the ultimate lucky student or some crap.

they probably did fuck up one kill legitimately and then decided to go with it so they at least get something out of it

No? I just don’t believe scum are big braining us cause the pieces don’t fit. Wind is locktown pretty much, he’s never scum unless he’s big braining us (which I superiorly doubt).

then what are you saying
scum HAVE to be big braining us, there is only 1 inactive person which means 1 of the mafia is active

which means they couldn’t have fucked up this badly legitimately

Idk what scum is doing.

If they are big braining us, they must have legitimately missed both nightkills??? But then what type of big braining comes next…