[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

that’s not why i’m doing it
you’re refusing to read the important posts here like wind’s response wallpost and thinking you have an idea of what’s actually going on

read the the post i linked you and then talk

that’s just stupidity
you are sheeping a scum

no, Eli, you’re the one who’s sheeping a scum lol

I’m dipping. Bye.

maple is literally obvscum and you haven’t done anything about it for 3 days

boom bye scum

i don’t understand how we aren’t yeeting maple here

Like… why is Intensify above Arctic, and why do neither of them die before LyLo?

that is what I don’t understand.

even if i’m wrong about your reasons
you’re still scum

Eli, read that post I quoted and read my wallpost again. Read it thoroughly and tell me if I have absolutely no case.

wind when you make a wallpost you might have to include a tl;dr because i don’t think eli likes reading

I wrote a tl;dr and apparently it got missed by everyone lol

one second
i can see there being a case against him and whatnot
but i don’t see why we aren’t yeeting the lockscum

well i read everything anyway

why is he lockscum

“you” refers to Light here

Maple isn’t lockscum unless there’s bussing going on here. PKR is not scum in 90% of my worlds.

this post?

  • literally openwolfing
  • hammering, “boom bye town”, etc etc etc
  • extremely wolfy behavior

not to mention he hasn’t said anything all day

you might ask why? Because PKR has to be scum partners with an active scum, of which the most likely candidate is Maple, and the plays don’t make sense for that pairing imo. Of course I could be wrong again, but I don’t see it as very likely.

PKR has scumread Intensify the entire game. He also said, if Maple isn’t scum, the scumteam has to be exactly Intensify and Light. I think if Maple is scum, the second scum is more likely to be Light than Intensify just because of Light’s post that I somehow keep failing to understand as anything less than a TMI, and because both Light and Intensify are pushing on Maple but both have been hard townreading each other the entire game, I think they’re more likely to be a scumteam at this point.