[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

@WindwardAway am I being tricked by listening to Light here and wanting to believe in them?
I fucking hate this rn but misvote is gg so I’m dying inside.

Or am I right and Light is actually inno? :\

I’m going to take a step back and look at things from an objective point of view

Sure thing.

Individually I can see you (Intensify) as potentially scummy because of the wagon votes. Light mentioned this now, and I saw it yesterday when I was sifting through votes to do some wagonomics stuff. I could also point out that some pocketing was done. I had you as a null read at the beginning of the game, and my read on you improved as the days passed because you had similar reads to mine, as I recall. You were on board with all the wagons where town got ML’d, and you townread Light, Arctic, and me, so I was pretty sure your readlist was verifying that mine wasn’t totally wrong. However, after 3 ML’s I think it’s a bit too convenient how closely your readlist resembled mine, and either some heavy steering or some complacent fake reads were under way.

As for Light, I didn’t have an individual scumread on him for a long time, either. I also started him at roughly null, and his early presence was kind of scattered but not at all wolfy. I had a weird feeling about his slot but absolutely nothing to back it up, so I ignored it, especially because he wasn’t consistently wagoning town and also wasn’t doing anything scummy. He wasn’t 100% aware of the threadstate at the beginning of the game until I filled him in on the JoaT claims, but I didn’t really find that a good enough reason to scumread him, and I cleared him from that (but didn’t clear Intensify due to lack of thread presence when Eli cc’d JoaT B). However, I already had Intensify as a townlean by then, and it seemed ok at the time. But something about Light’s presence just seemed kind of off, for some reason. I didn’t get to interact much with Light in Countries FM so I couldn’t really meta him, and he was town there. There seemed to be a slight difference here but I assumed it was because of his kind of infrequent posting, which was because of the holidays.

I kind of dismissed when PKR said that if Maple flipped town, the scumteam had to be exactly Intensify and Light. Like I know I read the comment, but I didn’t see it as very likely. And despite it all, I had begun to see Maple/Light as a possible scumteam. The only thing stopping me there was that Light had been putting his vote on Maple at the start of every day after Maple’s hammers, and then taking it off. It seemed to imply that Light thought there was a chance Maple was still town clowning around, but had growing concerns that Maple would flip scum, and I didn’t see anything that told me not to trust Light. The weird part is that I had that dream at night where we ended up in LyLo and the scum team turned out to be exactly Light/Intensify, because my subconscious weirdly picked up on PKR’s suggestion as significant while my oblivious conscious did not. I figured, heck, it’s just a dream and it means nothing (despite knowing how dreams actually work). But when I started analyzing the thread again and building potential scumteams, I saw Maple as less and less likely to flip scum and more likely to be the designated ML for the specific reason that they were always kind of wolfy and the rest of town had hopped off tunnelling PKR, so wolves needed a new target.

I know I don’t have sufficient evidence against either of Light/Intensify to prove that they’ve been deepwolfing the entire game. I have no way of saying for sure that PKR isn’t pocketing me for preventing him from dying. I also have no way of saying that Arctic isn’t deepwolfing except that I seriously doubt that a newbie would have that much skill already as a deepwolf despite only randing wolf once before (and getting bussed, for that matter). I don’t doubt that Light/Intensify/PKR are all fully capable of deepwolfing, but either way, PKR didn’t deepwolf if his mid-game posts looked so scummy.

I said the exact same thing as PKR and Arctic, though, so that means all 3 of us are stupid. Indirectly, I suppose that spews us all as town because we all know that town is stupid lol

Jokes aside, I don’t really like how Light is waffling on his read on Intensify right now. That just looks weird to me. I’m not waffling on my reads unless you guys give me very good reasons to townread you. Saying that you’ve done nothing objectively scummy does absolutely nothing, since if you’re wolves, you’ve been deepwolfing the entire time. PKR has done scummy things, I’ve done scummy things, and Arctic has his death tunnels. I find it rather remarkable that you two are literally the only people I don’t think have acted scummy at all in this game, and yet basically the whole of town has acted scummy for a minimum of an entire day at some point or another. I said I was searching for patterns to see what I’d missed, and what i missed was the people who weren’t acting wolfy.

You’re gonna have to try a lot harder to convince me that Arctic/PKR works as a team. The way Arctic tunnelled PKR for like two days does not convince me he was trying to bus him at all; either he would’ve gotten PKR out after one day, or Arctic wouldn’t have tunnelled him like that at all. And PKR never pointed fingers back at Arctic, from what I remember, but he just wanted out because he was being death tunnelled by at least two of us, if not three, at that point. I changed my read after Shurian’s flip not because I could only see PKR as scum with Shurian, but because it suddenly looked all too convenient.

Anyway, let me say this, too: if 3 of us think Intensify is scum and 1 more is waffling on his read (Light), I’m going to assume the general consensus points to Intensify looking pretty damn cornered there. On the contrary, 3 of us think Light is scum and 1 does not at all.

  • PKR thinks the scumteam is Light and Intensify.
  • Arctic thinks the scumteam is Light and Intensify (unless he comes in here and says his reads have changed).
  • I think the scumteam is Light and Intensify.
  • Intensify thinks the scumteam is PKR and Arctic.
  • Light thinks the scumteam is PKR and …?


As for the Maple hammer, my thought process was two things:

  1. Maple said to trust Eli and vote out whomever he wanted out, even if it meant voting out Maple themselves. Eli agreed to voting Intensify/Light if Maple flipped town and if he was still alive (surprise, he isn’t).
  2. Arctic, PKR, Eli and I all agreed to vote within Light/Intensify if Maple flipped town, but to vote Maple first because that was literally the point of our agreement. It had to be 2/3 of them according to our analysis yesterday, except for Arctic who said that PKR is only scum with Maple, and that the team is exactly Light/Intensify if Maple flips town.

So we got Eli and Light to both agree to strongly consider voting out Intensify today, as I recall, and that’s why we voted out Maple despite townleaning them. But Light, you don’t look like you’re voting out Intensify today.

  1. yes, towncred and 2. because you’d also have been ok with bussing your partner if it meant you could pull off a convincing “it has to be Maple” the next day.

you’re being tricked, unless you’re actually scum being convinced that town is town lol.
and for whatever reason, I don’t think that’s true.
also, remember Light is going to be much better than anyone else currently in the game at convincing us he’s town, regardless of alignment. don’t fall for it.

I’m a lot harder to trick in LyLo so Light and Intensify are gonna have to work harder to convince me that either of you is town.

fuck I made ugly paragraphs hhhhh

tl;dr - you can’t trick me, guys.

I mainly scumread Light because it’s a gut read, and I mainly scumread Intensify by process of elimination. My reads are terrible and I’m not even going to hide the fact, but I am gonna trust them. Deal with it. :sunglasses:

Also, @PokemonKidRyan, if Light convinces you he’s town, who has he given as an alternative? Seeing as you can’t scumread yourself, it’s… missing something.

My mind feels like I’m doing chess.
And I don’t do chess.

But this game is going to levels with that stupid 5D chess game on steam rn where you can do things in the past to affect your future plays.

I’m refusing to believe a world where W!You convinces and encourages me just to be able to have me pocketed so I guess it would be Arctic but I just really really don’t see it.

oh god no lol

yeah, this game is now the chess of FM. so if you have one move to protect your king, are you going to move your king or are you going to sacrifice another piece in order to save it?

sorry if that’s the worst metaphor ever; you don’t need to answer it lol. I’m just saying you have an option to protect whom you believe is town, or you have the option to throw your reads (and maybe your dignity) out the window and hope you place your vote in the right place.

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Tell me if I’m missing something here

I’m scummy because I haven’t been scummy, and because I’m now doubting my read on Intensify?

But that wouldn’t make sense, logically? I didn’t vote intensify, and the only time I stated I was going to was when I got incredibly angry and was borderline ready to just end the game as quick as possible. (and, no, this isn’t a scumslip of me saying my partner is intensify)

Look, PKR, you have a better case against Intensify than I do. I just went “lol it’s not any of these people so it’s probably them”. You have better reasons to trust your reads than I do, and yet I’m trusting mine anyway.

No, you didn’t, because it literally never came to that. Eli refused to vote anyone besides Maple yesterday, and Maple said to follow his lead. But if Eli had said, “let’s vote Intensify”, you probably would’ve said you were cool with it or else abstained anyway.

Also, I’m totally fine with placing my vote on Light to get him out before he can deepwolf his way out of LyLo.

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You’re right… I think I really want Light dead simply because they’re actually starting to convince me and it’s giving me a headache. Intensify is the easy yeet in F3

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I mean, there’s no way Intensify or Light vote Light so I think we just vote and wait for Arc tbh

The instant town votes me, game ends.

We’ll know instantly if Light is scum or not when we vote him if it doesn’t end in an immediate hammer, which it honestly won’t.

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Dude… you gotta reconsider…

And the teammate comes in to try and save.

You just said it yourself, Windward.
I’ve been towny all game.

Bruh if you vote Light, I swear to god Arc will appear out of no where and vote Light, and then PKR hammers, town loses… and Arc and PKR win as scum