[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

I’d still like for Derps to come back and explain his read on me

/vote windward

well we aren’t killing a joat claim and this is the next best thing

from my PoV it’s not the next best thing lol

You’re seriously going for wind?


Scum is going to love you down their pocket

What a beautiful morning today is.

In the thread, I visibly see that my 3 Nulltown are trying to kill each other and are fighting over a goddamn meme posts and wallposts, just the perfect thing I wanted to see… sigh

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forgot to do this

great, so I’m not the only one who thinks all 3 of us might be town.



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Ok so…

Light goes from Null to Townlean, good posts, his ISO feels professional I would say and I like it.

Imma put Marl back into Null, since he’s starting to feel less awkward

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Arc, you said something about SoD Wind’s wallposts usually being better than this one? Could you send me a link to one of his other SoD wallposts?



Also what I’m getting is… what already made a Joat open claim…

the first wallpost I made in Countries FM was honestly also not that great as I recall, because PKR scumread me for it lol

but do bear in mind it’s not really a fair comparison because there was often much more content for her to use

the main reason i am pushing her is because she seems different tonally

Because lolscum is leeching off of arctic being just outright wrong rn

that is literally because I had to try hard to make a wallpost out of all the fluff in the first couple hundred posts that didn’t seem to mean anything at all.

Like elaborate on “different”


