[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

Min, you know that I see you as a friend and appreciate you as an ally.
Today was not exactly an ideal situation with others outing your softs…

But, I think that you have the power to show us the path to go and to make things work.
Don’t give up when the worst is already over with.

You can do this.


Why claim tho

Thank you. I’m going to take a break for a bit and come back with reads and I won’t let this beat the hell out of me


Ok I will be waiting for them

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because if I didn’t arctic would somehow make me be flipped without it with the way he deathtunnels people

Anyway bye

I wanna Execute you if you’re actually JOAT

What is it now Derps…

Them claiming

If their actually JOAT I want to exe them for that

I’d rather us not just lynch a PR day 1 preferably.
But you do you

They deserve it smh

Min was under stress and suspicion.

Min is a newer player and therefore it is important to be understanding that these things might be make them feel more pressure than experienced players might in their position.

Heck, I feel stressed when I have lots of pressure. The amount of jokes about me claiming is annoying

Derps, you realize we’re not executing Min here right? Like ever?


It means that something is based

Wtf that is not a good reason to vote someone

At least not on D1

Yourself and future you? What does that mean?
Also why did you say Light would be a mislynch later on?

I have to actually disagree with this. I didn’t find them particularly towny, but Arctic probably knows better than to push on min for what I think was NAI from them, and everyone else just piled on like “yeah let’s push min” which imo indicates ez scum target.

PKR is right and at the very least we should not be looking at min today. If they’re alive tomorrow and anyone has a counterclaim, we reconsider then.

I mean he’s either going to deathtunnel you or me today and he seems to already have made up his mind lol. If I get ML’d today he’s going to go back to tunnelling you tomorrow unless there are better leads.

Wtf why would you want to execute them for claiming JoaT when people were piling votes on them? They were going to have to claim at some point with the way things were going. I think since there is also a mafia JoaT we would do best not to kill our town JoaTs right now.

I don’t get stressed by pressure but I already flipped my shit with only two votes on me lol.

Btw Derps, your vote is still on me. Do you have any kind of clarification on that? Like are you scumreading me because Arctic scumreads me, or do you have your own reasoning? Today I think I’m mostly seeing people pile on execution targets because someone else points them out as scummy and not because anyone else is giving their own thoughts.

Yo @WindwardAway how many games have you played before and which ones?

Uhh Wind died I guess?


Wallpost seems pretty good. There’s some good content and I get towny vibes from it.

Wind -> Townlean for me now.

You’re a new player?

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