[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

Wind wtf are you doing. Don’t give up hope so easily just because you’re being wagoned. I still believe you’re town.

what can’t be true?
I meant in this game, nobody cares if I’m solving because my posts look wolfy. So I’m sparing you the trouble and voting myself.

Wind, im going to level with you. You’re a new player, after all.

I gave a shit about your posts, hence me interrogating you. But resorting to selfvotes and ate this early, this easily? I’ve lost interest.

If you’re playstyle change isn’t working why don’t you go back to obv towning yourself?

excluding myself I only have 4 votes on me, so there are 2 more to go. I want to see if anyone else jumps on to hammer me. Call it a weird strategy but I really think it might give more information because I don’t have much to go off.

that’s the only game I obvtowned myself in, that’s why lol. it felt too forced and I kind of got annoyed doing it.

mmyes I was only pretending

Of course

Notice me Cow senpai

Hi eevee

I uhh…

I mean… interesting gambit but no scum is gonna hammer you now… after you just revealed your plan.l

Yeah I’m fine with saying here

Call me roz1roz for more confusion.


I’m liking the software now that I understand how to use it

Just wish alt s worked

yeah I know that lol, but you guys were questioning why voted myself so I thought I had to give an explanation that wasn’t complete bullshit.

More like fro-1-zen


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On one hand, this feels familiar to me…

on the other hand, there should be time to come back from this, so I don’t quite understand this.

this is just a post to say that I don’t know how to feel.

I mean I guess that was my fault yeh. But it seemed like you completely gave up after you started getting wagoned, which isn’t good healthy behaviour.

Well, we’ll see if it actually results in a ML or not at this point. I don’t really have anything else to add in my defense, anyway.

Your right.

I cannot find correct meme to counter this.

Gonna go play some cyberpunk

Sayonara motherfuckers

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