[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

altho it could have some great flavor involved

Wait why are we claiming now

Is Intensify Insanityā€™s long lost brother

this was me in DR3


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Itā€™s memes intensify dw

arete wouldnā€™t add fangame flavor itā€™s just uhh dr1

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insanity is actually intensifyā€™s evil twin

p e r h a p s

speaking of evil twin
arete you werenā€™t supposed to tell me I was the drunk smh

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Alright soā€¦

Nothing happening so far

This very sad.

I canā€™t come up with anything to start the thread off.

Pressure vote not doing anything.

I go play bed wars.

Have fun

I get to deal with uh

society on discord

Nice memeing lol
I donā€™t have time to be on here for a couple hours but Iā€™ll pop in then and see how things are going!

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Also Iā€™m really bad at SoD posts, it should be obvious by now

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pretty sus windward
where were you when the body was found in electrical

Hoi Wind.

I heard you like wallposting or something :eyes:

oh no


we are eagerly waiting in anticipation of your wallpost

Wind is a serial wallposter. Read PokƩmon 9er and countries fm for proof

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Alright. Iā€™m just going to start off with this.

/Vote eevee

Friendo, when you are here, I expect you to bring it.