[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

Min which joat are you?

Theyā€™re a new player like me letā€™s not get passive aggressive with them

I havenā€™t been here for hours, sorry that I wasnā€™t posting content :

People werenā€™t voting you for the hell of it. There are distinct tonal differences between you in this game and you in Countries.

None of your business

yep sounds about right

really though, what the fuck am I supposed to do because pretty much nothing is improving my reads

also no, donā€™t answer that.

there are also distinct differences between this game and that game.

You claimed it while wagoned, and seem to have been greatly playing it up at this point. To the degree of trying to direct actions.

Why not?

What difference does it make?

If Iā€™m a certain one, Iā€™ll probably be targeted more, lmao

actually it jeopardizes the other JoaT as well if min is really town

You will be attacked twice in a row, regardless.


have you not read the abilities that go with them? those should speak for themselves.

So? If youā€™re telling the truth, youā€™re going to get shot till youā€™re dead.

Which one are you?


None of your business.



actually I agree with Eevee, this setup sucks.

No, it really doesnā€™t.
All JOAT abilities suck.
And if one is found, protections doesnā€™t matter either.

Okay, why donā€™t you want to answer? Not a rhetorical question, Iā€™m wondering what you believe the strategic benefit to be.

I still think one of them is slightly more useful than the other, though.

Voyeur is stupid in open setup with 2 other PRs.

Each jaot has one protection, so both need to correctly protect someone on different nights for it to be worth anything.
Whichā€¦ wonā€™t ever happen.

Forensic is unusable, since one scum will be performing kills and 1/3rd of a time they will be immune anyway.

Neighborizer is best ability tbh.