[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

no because it’s strictly anti-town and probably mafia behavior

who wants to tell them that i probably have the most experience with the game here :skull_and_crossbones:

already saw PKR mention it, so yes, but it’s still not helpful to town so I don’t see why we should keep a lolcatter in here if it’s counterproductive.

oh so you have played on MU

yeah you said it was your first game here
didn’t know if that meant first game total tho

don’t care. doesn’t mean it’s a good play in this situation.

the plays here baffle me

if im a wolf its a great play

so you agree im a villager?


how did you jump from that to that

also you basically just openwolfed so lol

I am a fucking legend

inb4 it’s a thrower and we’ve all been bamboozled

I don’t. If you’re a villager you’re basically useless, and if you’re a wolf you’re going to get yeeted on my watch.


Vote eli or I’m voting you


don’t care

then vote me. I’m keeping my vote on Maple.

Okay @min

Seriously, time to retract your joat claim.
We know Maple is the real one.