[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

Linking my ISO on Eli here since it’s easier

Fuck that confused me

it changed on discord so it has to change here
i don’t make the rules

I wanna vote Min still tbh, even more with the retraction

Anyways tf happened while. I was gone lmao

I don’t understand why Eli is doing what he’s doing

… first 500 posts?

… no own opinion, just writing “Eli did this” “Eli did that”

Like if you iso people, at least tell what you get out of this ISO.

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Like… Derps ISO

Derps is confused.

Derps is still confused.

Derps is even more confused.

In general I think derps is confused.

10/10 iso.

I’m confused

but I literally did. Eli flipped his vote on min a couple times and I said I don’t like how it looks. Is that not enough of an ISO?

avatar changes REEEEE

holy shit more avatar changes D:

You quoted multiple posts from one person and only thing you added to it was “I don’'t like it”.

That’s definitely is not making it easy for others to follow your train of thoughts.

what do you want me to do, quote each individual quote and also quote the votecount and say “I don’t like it” every time?

My cat peed on my sheets do tbeir washing

I want to sleep

Explain why you don’t like it

I don’t like that Eli faults min for making a 180 on their Arctic read, but then scumreads min, votes min, unvotes, and votes min again. It seems really jumpy and unnecessary.

and then unvotes again after min claims PR*

but I guess that one was to be expected?