[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

Wow, PKR randomly appeared, lmao.

uhhhhh LOL

I am interested in why I am being considered as a wagon.

Also, Eevee, Iā€™ve been doing other things on the forums so itā€™s not random.

Then why didnt you come earlier than in last 7 minutes if you were around?

Because Iā€™ve been doing shit which many others know.

wind told him he was getting wagoned in scumchat

No, my mom wonā€™t leave me alone now lol

He appeared lmao

Iā€™m on mobile but Iā€™m here

Ok this is horrendously coincidental.
WTF is happening here.

Marl what have you actually been doing before appearing here to say Iā€™m scum? Because I donā€™t see much thatā€™s helping your case.

Wind, if you are scum and trying to make me look bad then youā€™re doing a good job.
So, no offence, but screw off lol

I fell asleep in my chair watching the office

Wait whatā€™s going on? I townread PKR why is he even a thing?

So it was random/ coincidence or was you planning to appear in last 5 minutes?

I donā€™t understand, lmao.

I wanted to be around for EoD but Iā€™ve been busy.
The coincidence is fucking Wind appearing at the worst possible times.

The episode where Pam and Jim have their baby and dwight fucking destroys Jimā€™s house because he finds a tiny bit of mold

I wish there were combat drugs in cyberpunk other than the OS upgrades

Cybeprunk is still a bad game.

@Maple Vote PKR for 3-way rand.

Where we dropping