[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

Also, since a lot of people say what they did wrong this game, I wish I saw them talking about why they did it wrong to begin with.

I just do things inherently wrong in FM so I’m still trying to figure out what I’m doing wrong, I guess. I’ve had incorrect reads in every single game, and was on the right track in 2/4 games, but lost 3/4 of them anyway. I’m not good but I’m also not double gaming to make sure I can put all my effort into a single game at a time and concentrate. In some games, changing my reads was a bad idea. In other games, sticking with my reads was a bad idea. So I don’t really know what my strategy should be, as my gutreads are wrong, my tonereads are wrong, and my analysis reads are only right until I do them too many times.

i did say that you were probably killed because you townread maple

but yeah it was also because of PKR

arctic for what it’s worth if i was alive you would have not survived past night 2
i mean this in a complimentary way towards your village play, not as an insult

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According to scum chat also cause I was dangerous and Derps and Shurian were only misslynchable when I was gone.

sorry for being super late about this


i forgot to vote
good job me

marl getting scumteam MVP was :joy_cat: tho
should have been intensify


should’ve voted :upside_down_face:

i know
see the problem here is my classcard got buried in all the Happy Puzzle University (Sponsored by Carls. Jr) dms

did i win

nah not this time


add a chloe team player award


chloe wins
excuse to ping chloe

Literally 0


I forgot to vote I’m stupid


bro same


@Chloe What do you think of this idea specifically? I think it’s great.

Scum was lucky Chloe wasn’t playing in this game as town.
Best play would be to just give up.
Big Dog Small Dog Jojo meme 2.

did i win now

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@Chloe has won the @Chloe team player award

congrats @Chloe