[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

I don’t think so

I can go reread tho and try to figure it out

At first I thought Intensify was scum, then I realised I can’t use meta and Intensify could, arguably may not be doing this intentionally

Until I have more info Intensify will lean towards scum unfortunately :slight_smile:

No need.

Answer is lack of… eevee.

I’m out, have fun.

I do not know what’s weird

No that’s preferred

I will force chaos upon you

List your top townread (me) or I deathtunnel you

I do unironocally tr you pretty high atm

My shame giphy was wasted


I’ll post my notes every SoD after this one if peipke would like btw

Gonna Probabaly not be usefull but I’ll post it anyways

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Ppl list scumreads instead
Or I’ll have a bullet in ur mouth

And I’m off because I posted near 10 and I have to get my $200 cuz if I don’t I can’t sponsor my Cardfight! Vanguard Addiction

I don’t scumread anyone yet

I haven’t had enough time to like make many reads partially cuz Iv been doing other stuff not related to my actual reads as well


Jk jk
Anyway hopefully there’s gonna be a lot more activity for me to see… I’ll be back in 11 hours?


@eevee their seem to be a good few structure ppl

But this is an open setup so I guess that actually makes sense

/vote TheCow

/Vote Cow

Assuming this is Manti

I must go back to work

Ok so… you didn’t like that I was trying to solve… so what did you want me to do exactly then? Like just sit around and meme?

They’re saying u seem forced tbh

I don’t think it’s super ai imo because you did it in deus ex too

This is what I get for trying to help huh