[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

yeah ur mafia

stop repeating that phrase and explain it or quote your explanation if i missed it

by deathtunnelling villagers, arctic is pocketing mafia lol


I did consider clarifying my stuff now…

But actually
I’ll give it more time.

I’ll explain in due course as everyone talks more. I think I do best when everything revolves around me.

Going for a talk rn. Be back in hopefully an hour (1st out of 4 talks today)

If I’m typing it’s most likely because I have information and a little bit of free time and I’ll send it when I actually have the time to interact with everyone.

Your initial post was weak and purposely taken out of context on me

You wanted an excuse to vote me along with everyone else

Once I disproved it you instantly unvoted but when someone else who wasn’t you gave an explanation you instantly voted me again

You were pushing me in bad faith and ik that you know that.

My vote wasn’t on a whim, but it wasn’t because I had no idea who to vote and thus landed on Eli. I have reasons not including Eli.

Guys, seriously, chill.

We live in civilized society.

First we vote without any evidence at all and only then we kill people.

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There is evidence

I’m much less confident on my Shurian read right now but I’ll wait for them to come back.

then how come you did it immediatley after min voted?


That’s exactly the problem.


You missed it when you were a wagon somehow

this is a scam
and also wolf wolf wolf :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat:

this is only partially a meme


can people stop giving shurian free townreads because this is beginning to piss me off

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Not everyone is even giving them free townreads lol

also military > fm


in all seriousness, though, I don’t know if that’s a real “be back later and I’ll explain in depth” or a deer (wolf) caught in headlights for their weird vote followed by basically no logic at all.

believe me, I stopped after that one

I refuse to scumread shurian based off of the idea that they are leaving and coming back

They have important things they’re doing I’m sure I can live without an eli explanation for a little bit