Would you play an anonymous game

I can see at least 3 people trying to act as Margaret

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Although it could be fun to play something like that but without writing your alias.


Add in a scum role that can kill anyone if they know who they are instead


Or both but still the scum identity vig is what you want

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You are a genius


If you’d, I don’t know, talked to the person originally promoting this idea at any point, we’d have been able to discuss this beforehand :roll_eyes:

whammerist is gone

You know what’s funny

I had a dream last night about how I was carrying my old back pack and my new backpack to school

which I don’t do btw

Figured out in the morning when I was thinking about why the hell did I have that dream was because my old Latin book was in the old backpack and my new one was in my new one and I needed to return them today


he showed up like a day or two ago in the family thread

Why is everyone going missing here?

I would play this.

That’s funny coming from you Htm. :smile:


Who hacked into your account


I’ve used that smiley at least a 1000 times on this site. :thinking:

I’m the jolly reaper after all. :wink:

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Rand wolf.
Act like Margaret.
Gets metaread as Margaret.
Kill as villagers in broad daylight.
Get lock-villa’d.

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Also, I would really play this.

IMO this will basically force the usual suspects here to actually play the game properly rather than being obvtown just by not lurking.

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How to Geyde:

Rand any alignment
Become relatively townread
Get hero shot
Your alignment wins anyway

I would rather play with 11 Margarets than 11 auto-town/scum players

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Playing with 11 auto-town/scum players instantly makes the game unwinnable by scum.

That’s kind of what happens in these games though.
The volume of auto-clearing players is ridiculous.