Would you rather #2


But I’ve been watched too much purge


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First tell me what would be the cause of said corruption

ah yes

the subjective reasoning that people have different meanings to

Bribes friends family

Morals and ethics are different, moral is pretty global

I mean, say you have 150 people in an anarchy. At first it’ll be complete chaos, but as time goes on they’ll probably establish rules and such, then it’s no longer anarchy

Bribes how
Anarchism is non capitalist

What’s the difference between police and community runned patrols

the name

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how the heck will it work then

People are seriously advocating in other online sites for removal of police for community runned patrols lmao

Oooh sorry I really don’t have the pumped up guts to start telling how non capitalist society works, but I already answered that one question

Both to Heaven, because eternally torturing anyone is unethical, no matter how serious their crimes.* You all can fight me.

*unless, I don’t know, the only way to prevent them from eternally torturing more people is eternally torturing one person.


that’s why I asked how it worked…

Completely unrelated

I’ve become addicted to cheese and crackers

Well if you are REEALLY interested I can search some links

so like

anarchy is community runned until people see a person as a leader and that’s how it goes

If I’m hearing this right

And why would they see someone as a leader
Also nothing is wrong by leading some task or things like that, but it will not be any extra reward

Because some people are leaders in nature. They will see a problem and try to fix it by getting others to do it. Eventually people will go to this person to fix there things and eventually he’s going to be unofficially the go to man to fix everything that’s wrong.

Like reaper, I don’t know if you understand but anarchy can never actually be kept fully.

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