'.xyz' ~ A Team-Based Puzzle Solving Game ~ First Puzzle

but also yeah the password is pandas

Why the hell would the pass be pandas :thinking:

The first picture

picture 3 is actually the easiest to solve after Wham’s last clue

I dropped a fish. He’s now mobile.


Nice thing that isn’t a clue.

Tell them about the panda cult now

@Whammerist can you please give them another clue? I’m kinda bored of waiting tbh

lmao i completely forgot about this

wasn’t this supposed to end a while ago

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fucking mobilefish

i’m probably canning this anyways

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But this game is so fun tho

Plz guys do it so this game doesn’t get canned D:

You could also give everyone the next puzzle and both teams that didnt solve the first one must vote out a member

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Mobilefish is a programming company :thinking:

It’s not a proper word >.<

It really isnt and when we went to companies based in china u said we were getting further

The password is scared fish

Just move into the next puzzle plz

@Whammerist give them another hint plz (if this is not canned)

Htm since when have you been going around canning games? Did the anger from factville spark a change in emotion?



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I mean I’m just saying “if this is not canned” because he said hes prolly canning it so I’m just wondering if this has been canned :thinking:

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It has since no new puzzle

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