'.xyz' ~ A Team-Based Puzzle Solving Game ~ First Puzzle

Word 1: Cell
Word 2: Phone


I forgot this was a thing tbh

Can probably work on it tomorrow

Sure you did

It’s a fish and a phone. Holy fuck.The puzzle contains steganography, find what combining the fish and a phone gives you with that context and complete this puzzle.

Holy shit I think I got it!!!

Is it a fish phone

Have any of you discovered the panda cult and why they want people to join them?

Because we have…

Totally no lie there

@po_st @Hippolytus @Firelitten guys get on our Team chat as soon as you guys are able to. We have the solution we just need you to vote.

Yay we did it!

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I don’t think Whamm will wait for a vote lol

Team X has solved the puzzle! It’s now a race between teams Y and Z to the finish!

I’ll get around to this once my essay is done


Bye lol

It’s all because of the panda cult password…

We have entered the panda cult’s evil lair

it’s sooo easy get rekt scrubs

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Here is a free clue from team X: one of the clues has a hidden phone number, you need to call that number and a voice will give you random numbers, the numbers are the coordinates of an underground fighting club. You need to go and fight the biggest guy in there and if you win he will give you the solution.


Hippo did it

He’s our savior

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Yes he will give you the solution to the panda cult lair

(I’m not joking it has something to do with the panda cult)

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Yeah I’m in hospital now. Looks like I’m gonna have to get a prosthetic leg. Worth it.