'.xyz' ~ A Team-Based Puzzle Solving Game ~ First Puzzle

Oh I forgot

There’s a nice thing called google

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Oh how wrong you are lol


Team Z should all agree that our theme song is
“Way of Life” from Persona 3

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Let me just say this
I will be EXTREMELY suprised if multiple days aren’t used to solve each of these puzzles

But P3P isn’t Canon :thinking:

I’m sorry

But I will guess it from dumb luck

Plz have something to do with random facts I am good with that :wink:

lol that portion was easy wham sucks


Marl Celeste and Pug go kidnap the durian and someone else so we can get this show on the road

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But Marl… P3P is still best soundtrack…

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@Shurian hi you should join my team :^]

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/join Team Z


Just ping everyone else ever so we can get the first puzzle before i go to bed

Just one more person needed before I get to watch you all fall into despair I mean unveil the first puzzle

@everyone join join join join

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I thought it was WhammKR and NuclearKitten

It’s Memesky’s discord name


Has taken over

We are converting people every day!

can we get cool team names or are we stuck with x,y,z?

xyz is thematic, probably just keeping them like that

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@memesky join us and pls lose <3