Y'all Pick - canned. Pkr/Town 2.0 wins (depending on interpretation)

that works.

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Whammerist hereā€™s a deal. I donā€™t die N1. And you donā€™t listen to spam!

If I die N1. My logs will hurt your ears.

Then I just give me a passive fo die an1

We havenā€™t even begun to pick the names of the class cards we MAY be getting for this FM.
Iā€™ve got zero control over whether you die N1. I can Policy Lynch you though.

well yeah ill fix it fully after confirmations

If thatā€™s the case

My logs will hurt your ears

But if I donā€™t get policed lynched

My logs wonā€™t

So yes, I wonā€™t start a D1/D2 wagon against you for spammingā€¦ if you donā€™t spam
I donā€™t give a flying fuck about your logs.

I donā€™t spam

I donā€™t get lynched d2

You will

I have Great logs

Are there even logs in this game?

Not yet


There are

Thatā€™s not included in the OP, nor is a common feature of this type of FM.
Are you sure?

Why do I feel the need to refrain from posting jokes




These are REALLY long. 3 Days / 2 Days is fine.

Does mafia have daychat? (Hey, Iā€™m Lymph :wink: )

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Mafia should have day chat in thing like this.

Things come so chaotic I would suggest a day chat

school is annoying
im giving myself ample time

Why are days so long?

You already have TWO cohosts. To be honest, Iā€™d love to cohost this as well just to watch everything explode, help you guys out, and literally all of your cohosts are on at the same times but :man_shrugging:

Because we are in an alternate reality