Y'all Pick - canned. Pkr/Town 2.0 wins (depending on interpretation)

I could heal people of poison during the day and heal myself during the night but limited uses each. Simon didnt let me heal boss after realizing after a week that I was right, so I couldnt use my day ability. But I could heal boss or ryan choose one.

Is it 2 or more shot ability?

Yes, I have an ability to heal poison or attacks each are seperate

Boss was poisoned yesterday so he dies tonight.
PKR dies tommorow night.

I’m pretty sure it’s mafia poison, since town would never poison me or PKR here. Unless Sam is poisoner, who wanted to quite up PKR… somehow

So does that mean heal Boss?

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So healing Boss is the plan, saving him from death yay.

Vote joker?

We’re not really getting anywhere except with the talkers so sure, I guess

/vote Joker

It’s dead

Let the dead stay dead

Rip game.


Hope more games are available soon lol

Let’s cancel our messages so it stays dead


Ur move first :thinking:


um see title

oh yeah i figured it should be relevant to add - Whomever was announced to be poisoned should also have had “and will die in one night” suffixed on to the announcement.

i.e. the night after the day its announced (for day 1, night 1, day 2, night 2, etc.)

Soooooo… Boss didn’t die due to Sam heal I assume.

@Sam17z heal @Boss110 or die NK scum lol

He… Did?