Y'all Pick - canned. Pkr/Town 2.0 wins (depending on interpretation)

everyone just post a picture of their cards

oh, and as for who winsā€¦

Pkr, and Pkr alone, wins.

however, he was town, not neutral or evil

Wait, why PKR alone ;(

in short, the bastard mechanic i chose was minor help from the hosts, in the forms of invoking eachā€™s names a max of once each

I was used to send a message to pkr trying to explain it
htm was used to block an attack from sam (it was just straight up stopped that time)
Night was used to secretly turn the option ā€œI dont know/careā€ into Pkr wins

it doesnt show as having the most votes because htm didnt vote for it when technically he shouldā€™ve

regardless, no one really wins that much (except if i had to honestly say the mafia maybe) since it was canned

Donā€™t forget your trusty co host

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But it was like 3rd top option, wtf has happened to other ones?

And why would you ever use some ability to influence vote count if to can the game.

ā€¦what did Widdle Biddle Peanut do?

I have 1 thing to say, and that is NEUTS! IN!


Thank you.


:peanuts: :vulcan_salute:

I wish you day vigged me btw

Why didnt maximus die tho :thinking:

Wolves op plz nerf

I did day vig him

O lul

It wouldnā€™t have killed him anywagy


Itā€™s funny