Y'all Pick - canned. Pkr/Town 2.0 wins (depending on interpretation)

the L-2 executioner thing i think

hmmm :thinking:


That every time we try to hang someone we get 24 hours?

Meaning that there are trials

lol the fuck

Whamm has a gang, Eevee should be able to confirm. But if the gang is a real gang then he cannot be NK. Btw you did not respond to Eevee’s question about being neutral or not.

Insanity you have 23 hours and 40 minutes to say stuff get to it!

@eevee Confirm?

Apparently a time pause happened, and my assassination was delayed. I’m confused.

holy fuck no stop

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i’m fucking dying rn

there are too many kills for there not to be a NK i believe(i have to go double check), and you are claiming the second neutral spot that’s likely to be NK

and you STILL havne’t claimed a name/abilities yet

yeah 2 deaths n1 in the OP so there should be a NK

so you’re also a neutral?


Timelord saved me?

Apparently me as well.

Can the real Neutral please stand up

You silenced me

How dare you.