Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

I don’t understand why the placer would want to out, though, because I’m not sure if that’s a town role or possibly an accomplice to the MM.

Yes without knowing which card was assigned which role

The only way we can know that is the case is by getting the placer to say it and the only way to do that is to guarantee them safety.

They would just report the locations of the cards as they placed them to the host

I think it’s town. That’s all I can say.

Based on the information I gathered during the day, I still think there is a very high chance I know who the placer is. But if you really think it’s advantageous for them to claim I guess we’ll wait and see if they claim.

This game has lightly mirrored some things in the actual game, I will not say what exactly, so those who want to avoid spoilers can do so.

However, I doubt that the placer all of a sudden is evil

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So, I think it’s safe to guarantee them immunity.

Well, for one, if placer were MM it would be pretty easy for someone to accidentally catch them in the act, so that would be pretty dumb and a very quick game

What if the placer drew the sacrifice card? They won’t out.

I mean, suppose the placer knows who Sacrifice, KM and Sage are every round.

I doubt they’d be allowed to claim it if that’s the case since that literally just breaks the game.

Also this means that I might know some things which go on next chapter so I’m totally down for alliances, yall just need to direct me somewhere private to technically whisper me without whispering me

Oh shit I realized I know who the mm would vote in the second round

I feel like i am already getting spoilors due to context of posts.



Then they won’t out. It’s that simple.
But if they don’t have the sacrifice card, they should

And even if (going of Jane’s point) they cannot claim exactly who the 3 power roles are, then they’d be able to confirm they know or don’t know who has what card or what card is in what location.

Information is good, in any form.

So does what I have said ring true when it comes to this game lightly mirroring it?
Do not say how it does just confirm yes or no.

Because by now it should deffo be a yes

If they knew which card was placed where, they already know half of our cards or something. Did you see the list Intensify made?

This sounds broken though right cause you could place stuff in ways to know what places have what and break the game.

Atleast i hope it would be that easy.

Btw guys, please don’t vote Ici. Remember that killing Ici also kills PKR, so thats prime MM voting fodder to get two people out.