Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

I rolled a die and it picked Intensify

Do it reroll once for good faith


“don’t try and survive, you’re going to die later”

I am actually not convinced that any one of those 4 could be mastermind

This is actually way more engaging than dangan holy shit

i want to kill intensify because he has the least going for him out of these

mist has solved the most, amelia is lock not mm

also don’t really care about zone

2 again

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that’s not how it works lol

that’s true, and Intensify is the only one out of the 4 that I’d consider possibly being mm tbh
I don’t really think he is, though


the universe set their sites off of blizer and onto mist holy shit


inb4 geyde is mm and just wants mist out

Im tempted to lock vote and rip the bandaid off before mist comes back and makes everyone feel bad and then we have even more indecision

I can’t get my dice back in the box
idk how I fit them in before

that would imply that geyde as sage voted his own keymaster here

factually incorrect
i am the keymaster

shhh no you’re not

I trust that geyde respects the random enough (and also really really really doubt him ever being MM)

God i want to lockvote mist before she can come back just so I dont have to deal with killing her to her face but also that seems mean? but it’s meaner to just do it after she comes back

I’m not sure if it’s meaner to discuss it and kill her anyway, or to just not say anything and silently vote her out

I don’t think I want Mist out but I have to think for a while