Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

If you had
One shot
Or one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted
In one moment
Would you capture it
Or just let it slip?


“Hello, students!” A strange woman approaches you all as you finally arrive at the Central Beach, around you, you notice 4 new buildings around you. You all get handed a strange pouch. “These are Tokens! You may use them to convince people! If you head to the gift shop you can spend these tokens and buy INFORMATION on a player for 50 of their tokens, so be careful what you do with your own. You also can’t buy things to do with your own tokens or your own information! I believe you all get the gist. There also might be other things.”


Chapter 2 Begins now. You are all in the Central Beach but I’m not creating a chat for it so you can move.

This is meant to say that you start with 100 Me-Tokens as they will be called for yourself.


I might have missed some actions so resend them if I did!

It’s chapter 2 and this has became my most liked topic.

I’m proud of this game.



“Testing, testing, 123, can you all hear me?” The woman speaks from your pads. “Judging from your reactions, I believe so. Anyway…I came to say that all roles for the Main Game will be sent out to players at 2021-01-19T23:30:00Z! Await in anticipation as it all begins to begin! Trading starts and everything! I’m just so excited!!!” She stops speaking."


It begins to thunder across the island.


“Please tell me, all of you, are you enjoying your stay so far?” Answer in your classcards.

“Everyone who answered so far has said yes. Strange…Do you guys like killing your friends?” Answer in your classcards

I’m going to take a break from processing actions for a bit y’all, need some time to myself for a while


“Hello, all. I’m sure you’ve seen those phone boxes around the place right?” You hear giggling. “Well those are Ring-Up Boxes! They are used for trading with another participant. You go up to a Ring-Up Box and insert 50 tokens from another person. You tell the Ring-Up Box a name and you trade! Boom! Simple as! You have 1 hour until you all receive your roles.”


“You know, I’ve been wondering when to tell you all this…You know, the punishment for being selfish…”

“Well, the person who ends up with the most of the tokens of themselves by the end of the 2nd day will be executed! If it’s tied, I’ll decide what happens at the time! Doesn’t that sound exciting!~”

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“This is so exciting! I can’t wait for you all to receive your roles!”

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Can everyone do me a favour btw and tell me how many tokens they have and what player tokens they are, gonna try and keep track of all tokens for obvious reasons. Ty!

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10 minutes remain.

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You all hear a sound.

“Well participants! I believe it’s time!”


“You shall now all receive your roles for the Second Main Game!”

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“All roles are sent out. Have fun and good luck! Oh and when a Trade happens, a sound effect will play to everyone so you all know that a trade has occured. Good luck~.”

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