Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

I mean look man, surviving is surviving

yeah but my point is mechanically he uh
provides nothing of value

yep we got told she was ultimate spiritualist

that’s dumb and mechanically bad

Can she talk to the dead

If the doll is a game mechanic that functions as a fake body, can’t there be a second sacrifice card that’s fake but works? Like maybe it originated because PKR is technically already dead, so there was a fake card generated when the roles were handed out.

Meaning it functions like a real one but we just don’t know until it’s voting phase

occam’s razor
it’s a brilliant thing

Although the one problem with that theory is nobody counterclaimed sacrifice when Trochi revealed the card

why would you cc sac

not as far as i know
but she said she had -3 stats at gamestart and she gained them by judging the actions of the dead


“You are all asking very…strange questions, if I may state, I’m willing to answer any questions you may have about the Main Game.”

Can I get a hamburger

(To ask questions to me, ask in Classcards, questions to the host must be stated here)

who is the mastermind

“Neither of those relate to the Main Game. Who the Mastermind is doesn’t concern you. It’s not like we know, anyway.”

gimme lore hostgirl

How many people can die during the main game

How many sac cards are there