Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

i’d try to if you can do it
yttd is a great game standalone

yeah I actually enjoyed it way more than I thought I would

aww so you can’t collect their underwear when you level up friendship?

the only thing that upset me was that I couldn’t pay 200 tokens to ditch everyone and win

yttd > dangan

you’re just not swole enough to even try it

Q-taro kinda my favorite character for doin that ngl

agree w/ this take

yttd isn’t as, like, high production as danganronpa in the sense that a lot of the game looks like it was made in MS paint but goddamn is it good

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I find myself liking the hateable characters a lot more than the normally likeable ones

if i can’t collect their underwear i don’t want it

i haven’t played yttd but in terms of forum miscs these trials seem a lot more engaging than DR

however this may just be because everyone is gamering hard this misc

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that usually means the characters are all well-developed

eh it’s probably because Q-taro feels like a mostly good person put in that situation. Like he does bad things sometimes but it’s clearly because of the situation he’s been put in. He isn’t just UwU let’s all be friends and love each other and no one will die.

this is the best misc i’ve ever played hands down

agreed, I like the trials here

like both trials so far even the sacrifice had a plausible chance of winning

well intensify may have got hecked but socially he still played well

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I mean “it’s survivor” is less engaging but that’s what it is

trades themselves are flawed in this sense unless we’re getting gamered

I’m just shocked Intensify settled for being sac

maybe he wanted to try to win w/ it, but it’s so risky

would’ve been pretty gamer if I did 14 trades in the last 5 min ngl