Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

I don’t have any of your tokens left because I used all 50 for the trade.

i mean pkr can confirm it to a degree

No, Trochi and PKR also confirmed. They were present when it happened.

What I can’t confirm is what the 4th trade was.

intensify out with it
what are you trying to do here
what’s the goal

I don’t have the Sacrifice card

Probably make me doubt myself because I was asleep during both the 3rd and 4th trade so effectively either one could’ve been mine? I didn’t actually read the timestamps.

This ultimately doesn’t matter I guess since y’all wouldn’t vote me anyways, but after this game, someone’s lying about some trade

If that’s true then you had to have gotten rid of it somehow.

Now how would I have done that?

But App claimed the fourth trade as recipient so one of you has to be lying.

Well I don’t know what to tell you man. I don’t have the card

You would’ve used 50 Wind tokens to trade it away, but then App is still covering for you and we wouldn’t know who has the card.


I don’t have it.

But you can choose to believe what you want for now.

If you don’t die in the main game here, I’m gonna be paranoid about retribution from you tbh. I know which card I traded you and I know what I had then and have now.

Wind just give it up. You know I don’t have the card

Isn’t it a little late to be pulling this trick? Also App said if you rescind your claim he will pull your limbs apart.


either you’re the sacrifice or you aren’t
you die or you don’t
and if i find out someone blatantly lied to my face there will be hell to pay

I’m just replying to keep things interesting but we’ve already solved this