Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

Theirs was the second trade I thought,not the first

So who did the second trade?


Wait so who was the first?

i was the second
arctic/pkr was the first

Why the hell did Arc and PKR trade?

Good question

Have none of you questioned that

to check the system out? i don’t really remember but i’m sure either @Arctic or @PokemonKidRyan could tell you better why they traded

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I knew PKR was involved in both trades but didn’t know who was the first target

i didn’t question it after pkr then traded me his commoner card

50 tokens to check the system out instead of asking host?

again that was a guess


Alright then…

Let’s leave the malfunction/Wind lying for now and focus on the first trade.

@PokemonKidRyan @Arctic

What the hell did you two trade for the first trade and why

if you have access to the beach chat it might be in there somewhere

I don’t
but what you’ve generally been doing is very specifically obvious

I care soooooo much

Not sure what you’re trying to accomplish

Aren’t we supposed to have left the beach chat already?

i mean i did stab people
but weh let me meme in peace

well it was used for people discussing my fake card theory so i don’t see why it can’t be used now