Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

@WindwardAway did you start with the real sacrifice card or did you receive it after TL died?

nope I randed sacrifice as soon as Wazza dealt the cards
I kept quiet about it for like a day?
saw when I came back from afk’ing that Trochi had claimed sac and flashed the fake card at everyone so I confronted them about it

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then they talked to PKR and App about it, then you, and that’s how it all got coordinated afaik


PKR and App both came to me separately to ask what I was doing with the card

i thought TL might be the real sacrifice for a bit

did TL die willingly of the plague or did someone yolo him while he was afk

nah, the sac card never traded hands until I swapped it in the smoking area with Intensify

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Arctic gave it to him and he chose not to pass it onto anyone else iirc

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if he had the chance to he’s probably not the mastermind then

Misty is also in my Mastermind PoE Btw

mastermind is literally locked between mist/blizer unless mastermind has vote manipulation

my prime suspect in this chapter was Intensify which is why I traded him, because he was just acting kind of shady imo

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honestly in Chapter 1 I thought it could be Blizer
I just haven’t seen him much in Chapter 2 so idk. I don’t know what any of his abilities do, though.

Blizer i suspect less because of the gorta shenanigans
so is it like
just as easy as being mist?

it would be anticlimactic but yes probably

although i’m not sure why you think killing gorta is AI

I also thought maybe I should be more suspicious of Whysper in Chapter 1, but based on [redacted] I took back the suspicion and the chance she’s MM is pretty low imo.

killing Gorta isn’t really AI lol, Arctic is right

this was a very useful post
thank you